Skin Disorders

Skin Disorders

Skin disorders cover a wide range of conditions, some benign, some very serious, and some even a sign of another underlying illness. A skin disorder not only affects your physical health, but also your emotional well-being.


Skin CareSkin Disorders › Blackheads

Blackhead Removal - How To Get Rid Of Blackheads?

Blackheads, also called comedones, are small, flesh colored, white, or dark bumps that give skin a rough texture. The bumps are found at the opening of a sebaceous follicle (pore). Comedones are the skin-coloured, small bumps (papules) frequently found on the forehead and chin of those with acne. Open comedones are blackheads; black because of surface pigment (melanin) rather than dirt. Closed comedones are whiteheads; the follicle is completely blocked.

Blackheads are so common, yet many of us do know what they are. We know even less about dealing with them. However, they can be controlled and even prevented by taking regular care of the skin.

Causes of blackheads

Blackhead is caused when excess skin oil, sebum and congesting toxins are expelled through your skin from the blood and lymph fluid that supplies your skin with nutrients. These congesting toxins combined with skin oil and sebum clogs your pores causing blackheads, whiteheads, and full blown acne. Blackheads is also caused by partially blocked pores . The "black" appearance of them is not caused by dirt, but by the oxidising effect of air on the sebum (oil) in a blocked pore and the melanin pigment from the dead skin cells.

Blackheads removal treatment

  • Apply a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.
  • Removal of the skin bumps or plugs by a dermatologist or certified beautician or by oneself (if possessing the skills to do so).
  • A solution made out of one and a half cups of hot water and half a tablespoon of boric powder is an ideal concoction for blackheads, Saturate a face napkin in this hot solution and press on to the skin, repeat twice. Extract blackheads carefully with a blackhead remover and sterilized cottonwool. Pat on an astrigent.
  • Frequent, thorough cleansing of the skin with quality facial products. This will helps to get rid of blackheads.

Effective Tips to get rid of blackheads

  • Keep your hair away from your face. Greasy hair and skin go together, and hair can spread infection.
  • Take vitamin A daily. It both protects your skin and prevents acne. Plus, vitamin A reduces sebum production.
  • Stress will cause you to have a breakout. You need to make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthy, and take time to have some fun. This will be one of the hardest things to do when trying to prevent blackheads.
  • Avoid over washing and rubbing or scrubbing your skin excessively. Acne is not caused by not washing or by having dirty skin.
  • Cut your hair short if it's long. Hair has oil. When you are moving, dust particles often culminate in your hair, and as your hair touches your face, neck, or forehead, it can provoke acne or worsen an affected area.
  • Popping pimples is a really bad idea. By breaking them open you can leave scares and cause more infection.

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